Hosting the third edition of the Art and Technology Residency Program, the interdisciplinary collective Dreaming Beyond AI has examined the relationship between artificial intelligence and time. During the symposium »Diversify the Code«, the five residents Hiba Ali, Bretas, Dera Luce, Noam Youngrak Son and Kira Xonorika will exhibit and share their artistic outputs.
On Saturday, October 28, at 4 p.m., the artists will present their work; followed by a presentation of the Dreaming Beyond AI team and mentor Vanessa A. Opoku.
Location: k4 at Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg).
No registration required, free admission to the exhibition.
14:00 – 21:30
Exhibition: In the Loop – On Artificial Intelligence and Time
The five residents Bretas, Dera Luce, hiba ali, Kira Xonorika and Noam Youngrak Son present the results of their three-month at Kampnagel.
15:00 – 17:00
Workshop: Magic Code Circle
For the workshop format MAGIC CODE CIRCLE, the team of nota e.V. invites you to bend over the source code of open software together, to read, discuss and comment.
For the workshop format MAGIC CODE CIRCLE, the team of nota e.V. invites you to bend over the source code of open software together, to read, discuss and comment.
Location: kmh auf Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg)
Registration: Kampnagel Ticketshop, free admission.
This event will be held in German.
16:00 – 20:00
Introduction: Artwork – Software For Event Planning
Kampnagel, Deichtorhallen Hamburg and HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin have jointly developed the open source software artwork as part of the “Diversify the Code” program, which is specifically tailored to the needs of cultural organizations.
Kampnagel, Deichtorhallen Hamburg and HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin have jointly developed the open source software artwork as part of the »Diversify the Code« program, which is specifically tailored to the needs of cultural organizations. The developers are available to answer questions about implementation, costs, and functionality.
The project managers Miriam Seixas (Deichtorhallen), Benjamin Willems (Kampnagel), Romain Comandi (HAU) and Jannik Müller (Caldero Systems) provide insights into the motivations, the development process and the characteristics of artwork.
Location: Westfoyer Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg).
This event will be held in German.
Free admission, no prior reservation necessary.
17:30 – 18:00
Table Talk: Software artwork – Motivation and Process
The project managers provide insights into the motivations, the development process and the characteristics of the software tool artwork.
The project managers provide insights into the motivations, the development process and the characteristics of the software tool artwork.
Location: Westfoyer Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg).
This event will be held in German.
Free admission, no prior reservation necessary.
Further information.
18:30 – 19:30
Panel: Communities in Open Source und als Künstlerische Praxis
Artists and software developers from nota e.V, and Caldero discuss the role of communities in terms of development, sustainability, power-critical work, »aesthetics« and political stance in open source and art communities.
Artists and software developers from nota e.V, and Caldero discuss the role of communities in terms of development, sustainability, power-critical work, »aesthetics« and political stance in open source and art communities.
Location: kmh Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg)
This event will be held in German.
Free admission, Register here: Ticketshop Kampnagel
20:30 – 21:30
Performance: VIRTUAL HEALING HUB von dgtl fmnsm
The interactive performance VIRTUAL HEALING HUB by the collective dgtl fmnsm creates a collective space, coded for all those bodies that feel disconnected.
The interactive performance VIRTUAL HEALING HUB by the collective dgtl fmnsm creates a collective space, coded for all those bodies that feel disconnected. The audience enters into relationship with digital technologies to produce healing bodily perceptions, as a speculation on a critical processing of affects and data streams into an experimental connection to the present, so that it feels pleasurable again – for all pixels & cells. dgtl fmnsm are pioneers at the intersection of art and technology. The collective is made up of queer FLINTA, BIPoC, and people with immigrant histories, and gives queer, feminist, and decolonial perspectives an experiential space in theater.
Location: p1 Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg)
Tickets (15 Euro): Kampnagel Ticketshop.
This event will be held in German and English (with sub-/surtitles).
Artistic Collaboration / Concept Andara Shastika, Echo Can Luo, Philisha Kay, Ulla Heinrich for dgtl fmnsm Performance Andara Shastika, Philisha Kay, Lyla Palmer Production & Project Management Ulla Heinrich Healing Hub Environment Design & Avatar Design Echo Can Luo Smartphone Animation Teresa Schönherr Sound Design allapopp Voice Design Alexander Sahm No Face Filter allapopp No Face Video allapopp, Philisha Kay Artistic Consultation** Sarah Ama Duah, Sarah Fartuun Heinze, Nushin Yazdani, allapopp for dgtl fmnsm dgtl fmnsm web tech parmon.
09:00 – 21:30
Exhibition: In the Loop – On Artificial Intelligence and Time
The five residents Bretas, Dera Luce, hiba ali, Kira Xonorika and Noam Youngrak Son present the results of their three-month at Kampnagel.
Hosting the third edition of the Art and Technology Residency Program, the interdisciplinary collective Dreaming Beyond AI has examined the relationship between artificial intelligence and time. During the symposium »Diversify the Code«, the five residents Hiba Ali, Bretas, Dera Luce, Noam Youngrak Son and Kira Xonorika will exhibit and share their artistic outputs.
On Saturday, October 28, at 4 p.m., the artists will present their work; followed by a presentation of the Dreaming Beyond AI team and mentor Vanessa A. Opoku.
Location: k4 at Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg).
No registration required, free admission to the exhibition.
10:00 – 11:00
Panel: Digitality in the Cultural Sector of the Future
Long called for, but still barely underway – what about the digital transformation of cultural institutions in Germany? What do governance and funding structures need to look like in order to help culture take the lead on the path to digitality as a transformed mindset?
Long called for, but still barely underway – what about the digital transformation of cultural institutions in Germany? While some still talk about digitisation as purely building software and hardware capacities, others have long since embraced the ongoing transformation and have begun to shape it in such a way that in future it will once again stand for access and agility, for sharing and participation, for commons and creation. What do governance and funding structures need to look like in order to help culture take the lead on the path to digitality as a transformed mindset? This will be discussed in a panel discussion with experts from the field of culture and digitalisation.
Location: kmh Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg)
This event will be held in German. Please register here.
12:00 – 14:00
Workshop: Magic Code Circle
Usually, code is only read by programmers. What does this mean for digital art and culture projects that are committed to open standards? For the workshop format OFFENER CODE READING CIRCLE: MAGIC CODE CIRCLE, the team of nota e.V. invites you to bend over the source code of open software together, to read, discuss and comment.
Usually, code is only read by programmers. What does this mean for digital art and culture projects that are committed to open standards? For the workshop format OFFENER CODE READING CIRCLE: MAGIC CODE CIRCLE, the team of nota e.V. invites you to bend over the source code of open software together, to read, discuss and comment. In a mixture of reading circle and séance, participants immerse themselves in software codes. They are picked up by Magic Host Mars, followed by a glitch meditation as a transition into the "Magic Circle". There, code dilettantes Birk & Aurora mix drinks and read, discuss and comment on open software source codes with the participants. How can knowledge be shared without everyone having to have the same technical skills? Who can have intimate knowledge of software? What does the language of code reveal about its software and about the programmers? How can code reveal its own history? No Coding skills required!
Location: kmh auf Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg)
Registration: Kampnagel Ticketshop, free admission.
This event will be held in German.
12:00 – 13:30
Workshop: Unionizing the Speculative
The working conditions of creative professionals have changed greatly due to the influence of generative AI. There is a growing fear that the use of AI technology could devalue or even replace human design performance. Can creative workers unionise together with generative AI - in the sense of collaboration rather than instrumentalisation?
The working conditions of creative professionals have changed greatly due to the influence of generative AI. There is a growing fear that the use of AI technology could devalue or even replace human design performance. Can creative workers unionise together with generative AI - in the sense of collaboration rather than instrumentalisation? How can creative workers take responsibility in relation to AI-assisted automation?
In the workshop, led by resident designer Noam Youngrak Son, participants will speculate together on these questions and use AI Stable Diffusion to create images that will be engraved on speculoos biscuits. The biscuits, which already have speculation in their name, will serve as symbols for a speculative fundraiser to communicate forward-looking AI work ethics.
Participants are encouraged to bring their computers; however, there will also be options for program participation using a smartphone. No prior knowledge is needed.
Location: Further information at Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg).
Registration: Kampnagel Ticketshop.
This event will be held in English.
14:00 – 16:00
Creative Technologies Lunch: Kunst, Code und Community-Kitchen
The »Art, Code and Community Kitchen« invites you to exchange and network around questions of the connection between art, technology and their social impact and presents performative interventions, sound or video works.
The »Art, Code and Community Kitchen« invites you to have a soup with us and get to know artists and makers that work between art and technology in Hamburg.
Beginning a series of project introductions,Fernanda Ortiz will present the work she is currently developing at Kampnagel: BODIES UNDER INFLUENCE. It is a live VR dance performance that choreographically explores: Where does the body begin, where does nature end and where can the two no longer be separated?
Anngret Schultze and Kattalin Newiger Mitxelena are introducing »Faces. A Shopping Paradise« which is interweaving dance, artistic audio description, 3D animation, and technoid soundscapes into a performance on the theme of identity and consumability.
Dong Zhou will share her project »Meandering Bowing« showing the trajectories of a violinist in the 2nd violin part of an orchestra playing Smetana's The Moldau. The musician’s traces virtually left in space allow for a new perspective on the musician’s authorship and question the hierarchy in musical composition through notation.
MICHAELBRAILEY reads selected passages from their new text-based work ‘Sad Light’ alongside an introduction to the associated research. ‘Sad Light’ is a black .pdf document imprinted with white characters - text and ASCII art - that theoretically, poetically, emotionally and conspiratorially explores the computer screen as an interface into vast, concealed systems of extraction.
Lena Biresch will be presenting their VR project »Me, Myself & My Avatars (or remapping the homunculus)«. The project demonstrates how easily humans can mentally adapt their body images and plays with avatars that propose additional limbs or control the entire environment.
Finally, the generative music duo Fragment (Arjun Jamil & Joana Naomi Welteke) will close the lunch. Their performances seamlessly blend organic and synthetic sounds to create sonic landscapes that evolve in real-time.
Come along – whether out of curiosity, to network, with your own questions on the topic or simply for a relaxed lunch break as part of the DIVERSIFY THE CODE closing event.
Location: Westfoyer Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg).
Lunch for 5 Euro, Tickets here.
This event will be held in English and German.
16:00 – 18:00
This year's artistic residency has been hosted by Dreaming Beyond AI and explored the relationship between time and AI.
As part of this symposium the five residents Bretas, Dera Luce, hiba ali, Kira Xonorika and Noam Youngrak Son will exhibit their work and share the artistic outputs of their three-month residency.
This year'sthehost.isartistic residency has been hosted by Dreaming Beyond AI and explored the relationship between time and AI.
As part of this symposium the five residents Bretas, Dera Luce, hiba ali, Kira Xonorika and Noam Youngrak Son will exhibit their work and share the artistic outputs of their three-month residency.
hiba ali, producer of moving images, sounds, garments and words, develops web VR experiences that use somatic approaches to slow down time for the viewer. Bretas, visual artist and researcher, critically dedicates two artworks to a 1860s portraiture archive of Afro-Brazilians whose photographs have since been in museums in Germany, an approach on ethnology, colonialism and racialized depiction through the use of AI techniques. Dera Luce, writer and multi-disciplinary artist, blends music and personal archives to create "Heal-GPT (Slowed + Reverb)," a story about healing physical and psychological transgenerational trauma. Noam Youngrak Son, communication designer practicing queer publishing, speculates on possible unionisation between precarious designers and AI, especially given concerns about the devaluation of design work as a result of generative AI. Kira Xonorika, interdisciplinary artist, writer and futurist, visualises an indigenous, trans AI in generated images and audio, creating an origin story for the axiological restoration of time and space in the future. The residents have had access to creative sparring with the artists Idil Galip, Moisés Horta Valenzuela, Neema Githere, Petja Ivanova, and Vanessa A. Opoku.
Location: k4 und kmh auf Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg).
This event will be held in English.
18:00 – 19:00
Talk: Dreaming Beyond AI – On Time and AI
Today's AI reinforces temporal norms in which time is not evenly distributed. While some can enjoy the illusion of comfort through speed, others see their time decrease. In this residency, Dreaming Beyond AI has artistically explored, questioned, deconstructed, and played together with the artists in residence around ideas, perceptions, and experiences of time and temporalities.
Today's AI reinforces temporal norms in which time is not evenly distributed. While some can enjoy the illusion of comfort through speed, others see their time decrease. In this residency, Dreaming Beyond AI has artistically explored, questioned, deconstructed, and played together with the artists in residence around ideas, perceptions, and experiences of time and temporalities in the context of the AI discourse.
The Dreaming Beyond AI team and mentor Vanessa A. Opoku will present the platform Dreaming Beyond AI as well as the residency and its theme AI and time in conversation with the public.
Location: k4 und kmh auf Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg).
This event will be held in English.
20:30 – 21:30
Performance: VIRTUAL HEALING HUB von dgtl fmnsm
The interactive performance VIRTUAL HEALING HUB by the collective dgtl fmnsm creates a collective space, coded for all those bodies that feel disconnected.
The interactive performance VIRTUAL HEALING HUB by the collective dgtl fmnsm creates a collective space, coded for all those bodies that feel disconnected. The audience enters into relationship with digital technologies to produce healing bodily perceptions, as a speculation on a critical processing of affects and data streams into an experimental connection to the present, so that it feels pleasurable again – for all pixels & cells. dgtl fmnsm are pioneers at the intersection of art and technology. The collective is made up of queer FLINTA, BIPoC, and people with immigrant histories, and gives queer, feminist, and decolonial perspectives an experiential space in theater.
Location: p1 Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg)
Tickets (15 Euro): Kampnagel Ticketshop.
This event will be held in German and English (with sub-/surtitles).
Artistic Collaboration / Concept Andara Shastika, Echo Can Luo, Philisha Kay, Ulla Heinrich for dgtl fmnsm Performance Andara Shastika, Philisha Kay, Lyla Palmer Production & Project Management Ulla Heinrich Healing Hub Environment Design & Avatar Design Echo Can Luo Smartphone Animation Teresa Schönherr Sound Design allapopp Voice Design Alexander Sahm No Face Filter allapopp No Face Video allapopp, Philisha Kay Artistic Consultation Sarah Ama Duah, Sarah Fartuun Heinze, Nushin Yazdani, allapopp for dgtl fmnsm dgtl fmnsm web tech parmon.