
Diversify the Code

Artistic Production and Institutional Structural Change

For four years, Kampnagel and the Deichtorhallen Hamburg collaborated on the project "DIVERSIFY THE CODE" as part of the Fonds Digital of the German Federal Cultural Foundation. The aim of the project was to question and further develop artistic production and institutional structural change in the digital space.

The result was the open source software "artwork", which can be used to simplify and efficiently manage cultural projects, as well as several editions of the artistic residency program, in which a total of eleven artists developed discursive-experimental projects at the interface between art and digitization.

At the end of the project, a symposium will take place on October 27 and 28, 2023 at Kampnagel, where the various topics of the cooperation will be brought together in workshops, panel discussions and performances and discussed together with the visitors.During the symposium, interested parties will have the opportunity to try out the "artwork" software and to talk to the creators. In addition, the five residents of the final season will present the results of their three-month residency.

The symposium is aimed at people interested in art and/or technology, with or without prior knowledge. Exchange, networking and knowledge transfer are the focus of the event.

The project is funded in the Culture Digital program of the Federal Cultural Foundation and by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media.