Aurora Kellermann

Aurora Kellermann (she/her) is a theatre maker and curator. Since 2014, she has been the artistic director of TATWERK | Performative Forschung in Berlin. She is co-founder and board member of the association nota e.V., which runs the browser-based software Her current project "there is no place like Before - a digital time-travel" is a one-to-one hybrid performance conceived and developed on nota.

, 18:30 – 19:30

Panel: Communities in Open Source und als Künstlerische Praxis

Artists and software developers from nota e.V, and Caldero discuss the role of communities in terms of development, sustainability, power-critical work, »aesthetics« and political stance in open source and art communities.


Artists and software developers from nota e.V, and Caldero discuss the role of communities in terms of development, sustainability, power-critical work, »aesthetics« and political stance in open source and art communities.

Location: kmh Kampnagel (Jarrestraße 20, Hamburg)
This event will be held in German.
Free admission, Register here: Ticketshop Kampnagel