
hiba ali

hiba ali (they/them) is a producer of moving images, sounds, garments and words. They grew up in Chicago and Toronto and currently reside across Eugene, or and Austin, Texas. Born in Karachi, Pakistan, they belong to East African, South Asian and Arab diasporas


Sirwan Ali

Sirwan Ali works as a developer and producer of digital arts at Kampnagel. As a musician and with animations, he was involved in the Kampnagel soap series »Ramadram«. As a video and digital artist, he has made installations at various festivals; in 2021 he developed the augmented reality app »[k] To Go« for Kampnagel.



Bretas (he/they) is a Visual Artist, born and based in São Paulo, Brazil. Academically, grad student in Architecture on FAU at University of São Paulo and researcher in Demonumenta-FAUUSP group.


Romain Comandi

Project Management artwork (Hebbel am Ufer)


dgtl fmnsm

dgtl fmnsm is a future request for a more radical way of thinking about the self-evidence of digital technologies in the media-culturally shaped present. dgtl fmnsm has been working collectively and network-based since 2015.


Dreaming Beyond AI

Dreaming Beyond AI is a multi-disciplinary and collaborative platform bringing together artists, researchers, activists, and policymakers to create new narratives and visions around AI technologies.


Rosi Grillmair

Rosi Grillmair (she/her) is an artist, programmer, activist and art and culture mediator. Her master's thesis at the Linz University of Art deals with »Code and Poetry« and is an attempt to apply logic in language, choreography and code in such a way that art is found in the process.


Aurora Kellermann

Aurora Kellermann (she/her) is a theatre maker and curator. Since 2014, she has been the artistic director of TATWERK | Performative Forschung in Berlin. She is co-founder and board member of the association nota e.V., which runs the browser-based software


Tobias "rixx" Kunze

Tobias "rixx" Kunze (he/him) is one of the co-founders and operators of, an instance founded in 2017 in the decentralized social network Mastodo. In addition, he also volunteers in the Python and Django community, both as a software developer and as an event organizer.


Marcus Lobbes

Marcus Lobbes is the director of the Academy for Theatre and Digitality Dortmund. An important concern for him is the formation and promotion of the most diverse networks for the performing arts as well as the communication of artistic research in correspondence with the latest technologies to theatre and educational institutions, politics and audiences.


Dera Luce

Dera Luce (he/him)is a Nigerian-American essayist, speculative fiction writer, and multidisciplinary artist living in Berlin. His writing and videos explore queerness, linguistics, shifting realities, and other extraordinary experiences that he is still finding the words for.


Julia Mai

Julia Mai leads the program »Digital Culture« of the German Federal Cultural Foundation since 2020. She studied literature, philosophy and political science and worked for museums and agencies on the development of digital applications.


Jannik Müller

Jannik Müller (he/him) is the managing director of the IT company Caldero Systems GmbH. He has been working on the artwork software tool since the end of 2021. With its development, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Kampnagel and HAU Hebbel am Ufer are demonstrating new solutions for event organisation in the cultural sector. His vision: "Modern software solutions that revolutionise the cultural sector”.


nota e.V.

The software nota is a social, technical and aesthetic digital rehearsal space and an assembly tool that has been produced and further developed since 2021 by nota e.V., a community of artists, scientists and programmers.


Vanessa A. Opoku

Vanessa Amoah Opoku (sie/ihr) ist eine interdisziplinäre Künstlerin, die sich mit Geschichte, Technologie und marginalisierten Erzählungen innerhalb gemischter Realitäten beschäftigt.


Alexander Roidl

Alexander Roidl (he/him) is a designer, artist and media researcher, with a background in graphic design and media art. In his research, he explores the multiple effects of human-computer interaction with a focus on the creative use of software.


Sina Schmidt

Sina Schmidt coordinates the »Smart Theatre Services« for Deutscher Bühnenverein (German Stage Association) as part of the Datenraum Kultur. After studying German, philosophy and musicology, she worked as an assistant director for the Schaubühne Berlin and the Hebbel am Ufer Theatre, among others.


Miriam Seixas

Project Management artwork (Deichtorhallen Hamburg)


Noam Youngrak Son

Noam Youngrak Son (they/them) is a communication designer practicing queer publishing. The main question of their practice is about revolutionary methods of disseminating deviant narratives.


Jeanne Charlotte Vogt

Jeanne Charlotte Vogt (she/her) is a curator and dramaturg working in the fields of media and performing arts as well as cultural education.


Benjamin Willems

Project Management artwork (Kampnagel)


Kira Xonorika

Kira Xonorika (she/they) is an interdisciplinary artist, writer and futurist. With a background in art history and research, their work explores the multidimensional connections between sovereignty, ancestry, future, gender-expansive constellations, and magic.


Jonas Zipf

Jonas Zipf (he/him) has been working as managing director at Kampnagel since August 2022. Previously, the studied music theatre director and business economist was the head of culture for the city of Jena from 2016-2022 as the plant manager of the municipal company JenaKultur.
